Adorable Weirdos Part 6: Blunthead Tree Snake

The final adorable weirdo snake in our list (for now) is this little beauty!

The odd proportions of the Blunthead Tree Snake (imantodes cenchoa) make it seem almost cartoonish! They reach a maximum length of a little over 4-feet, and seem impossibly slender, but there’s nothing tiny about that head & eyes! Those enormous eyes take up more than a quarter of their skull, and while most snakes have relatively poor eyesight, the blunthead has excellent vision, with elongated vertical pupils that allow the snake to look down without moving it’s head. As their name implies, they’re arboreal, feeding primarily on small lizards & amphibians in the forests of Central America. They’re another rear-fanged colubrid, with a mild venom that’s harmless to humans. Their colour and patterning is as beautiful as any snakes’, but that big head and huge eyes makes them an adorable addition to this list of bizarre snakes.

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