Educational Serpent Encounters for All Ages!


Pete Freckelton showing a young lad how to handle a corn snakeHi! My name is Pete, and I LOVE Snakes!

The only thing I love more, is helping kids & adults connect with these amazing animals!  Snake education is a constant passion of mine, but I kicked-off this small educational business in the Spring of 2021 after one of my many educational Facebook posts went viral, earning  some media coverage.

The response to my work has been OVERWHELMING!  I’m overjoyed that so many people in our community are anxious to learn about these incredible creatures!   Just drop me a line and I’m sure we can arrange an amazing reptile experience for a variety of events:

Regardless of the type of event, I’d like offer this assurance to the folks who suffer from ophidiophobia: 1/3 of all adults suffer a fear of snakes. It’s the most common phobia after heights & spiders, so you’re in very good company. Some of that fear is justified… some snakes ARE dangerous! However, the vast majority of snakes are completely harmless, including mine. That said, I give you my word that I will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to exasperate your phobia.  I will not ask you to do anything, impose any kind of interaction, unless you ask for that interaction on your own.  All I ask is that you stay in the room and observe from whatever distance makes you comfortable.

I might just change the way you think about these amazing, misunderstood animals!

Pete Freckelton holding Ophilia the boaI hope you’ll join us in this adventure and I hope I have the opportunity to introduce you to my “longbabies!”  Feel free to peruse photos of past events as well as reviews from customers!

There just aren’t enough thanks in the world to express how much I appreciate all the support from friends, family & the snake-keeping community.  PLEASE feel free to contact me with any questions or requests you may have! 

If you’d like to support us in a small way, feel free to chip in for a snake’s a meal or two!

All The Best!
Pete Freckelton (That Snake Guy)
email: [email protected]



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