November 2023: Kentville Birthday

Our Sunday afternoon here in Kentville was amazing! I met Mikayla and many of her friends at KCA’s Spring Fling so it was wonderful to reunite them with some old friends and introduce them to some of our newest ambassadors at her birthday party!

Mikayla was so natural with the snakes, it was wonderful to see her in her element! Some were pretty nervous at first, but seeing their commitment to pushing their boundaries was absolutely inspiring! This outing was extra-special because we were blessed with Sarah helping out! With Sarah on-hand, I decided to let Gus join us for his first full event, and he did so well! These ladies were so good with him, too, it was the perfect match! ❤

Thank you so much for inviting us! We always love when we get to visit families right here in Kentville, and not just for the short commute! Serving families here in my own community means I often get the joy of seeing many of these kids grow into amazing young adults and they, likewise, get to see the snakes grow up too!

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