Jaxen was already a snake lover, and he was SOOOO excited to touch & play with them! They were ALL very excited, which is to be expected with an extra week of anticipation! My poor wife, Marsha, had a hard time getting them to stand still enough for a photo,
but she still got some great ones! I love the ones of Mom’s first snake hugs! Thankfully, Dinah-Mite Pythons was there to lend a hand (and snakes!). Dinah’s boa, Ophelia, was a favourite, as always.

And speaking of favourites, If my little Honduran milksnake, Dave, was “very well-behaved” in his recent test-outings, he was absolutely AMAZING at this party!
He’s still a spry little guy who can be very quick when startled, but he took it all in stride and happily explored whoever was holding him. I was so proud of him!!
A 2kg ball python can be a little intimidating to a youngster, so little Dave has been an amazing “first contact” ambassador for many children.

I’m so happy we could help make the day special for Jaxen, and he was overjoyed with the stunning gifts that Braden Exotics made for him! I appreciate these invitations so much, and your kindness & trust means the world to me!