All I can say is WOW! We had a FANTASTIC turnout for Apple Blossom Sunday and everyone was so considerate & gentle with our pets, we can hardly wait to do it again! We had SO MUCH FUN
and it looked like you did too!
The love & positivity was so palpable, honestly, I was a little overwhelmed.
In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have imagined the phenomenal response to my work, but I’m only here because of the help & support of loved-ones.
HUGE Thanks to PetVentures Dog Walking being our first event-sponsor and for bringing Grizzly & Pickles for me to play with!! Er… I mean… for bringing pups to serve as emotional support for nervous people (and also for me to play with).
They were both incredibly well-behaved… once I stopped playing with them.
When she’s not juggling snakes, Dinah-Mite Pythons is one half of the dynamic PetVentures team and it was pleasure to finally meet Yazmin! I’m SO thankful for ALL of my volunteers, Sarah, Sara, Kate-Lynn and it’s always a blessing when Dinah can bring some of her beautiful snakes. We were especially pleased to have Alisha come vend her beautiful snake sculptures (and less-interesting animals with creepy legs) at our event!
Thank you to EVERYONE for coming out and I’m so happy you made some great memories! My wife, Marsha, was at the door so we didn’t get many photos, but a few Moms graciously shared some great shots with me. If you have photos you’d like to share, please DM me! I love seeing the memories you made with my babies! My only real job is to help you see past the strange body shape so that you can see Susan, Gus and my other ambassadors as individuals… all with their own unique personalities and life-experiences Snakes live stealthy lives of mystery, leading to many assumptions & myths, so much of what we think we know about them is just wrong. The most frequent thing I’ve heard over these past three years is, “They’re nothing like I expected!”