May 2024: 3rd Hammonds Plains Embers

Our evening with the 3rd Hammonds Plains Embers was nothing short of INSPIRING! ⭐ What struck me most was how much these ladies supported one another, and their positive encouragement helped so many nervous people push their boundaries.

Snakes live mysterious lives of stealth. When we DO encounter them in the wild, they usually think you’re about to eat them… so they’re quick & often sassy to scare you off. My ambassadors, on the other hand, know that humans are never a threat, which gives me the opportunity to show you what snakes are REALLY like!

As you can see, it was a pretty large group, so I was especially thankful for my beloved Kate-Lynn’s help! We saw a LOT of courage from Embers & Leaders alike, but it was their compassion & patience with each other that really made this visit especially memorable. ❤

Thank you Embers for being so gentle with my pets and for representing the very best in Guiding!

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