March 2024: Dartmouth Birthday

We had the best day celebrating Lochlan’s birthday in Dartmouth! With crazy snow & ice storms lately, we were especially thankful for a sunny, warm day and perfect driving conditions.

This group was packed with several snake-loving ophidiophiles and they were so helpful with their tentative friends & family! Even Moms & Dads couldn’t resist some slithery hugs and were so surprised at how adorably derpy these amazing animals can be! Both of the adult corn snakes were being complete BRATS, disrespecting personal boundaries but Sarah, my little juvenile, was an absolute angel who changed several hearts including Mom!

I wish I could express the emotional impact of watching people fall in love with my pets but I just don’t have the words. Snakes are often seen as “disposable,” so you can imagine how your affection might fill an old snake-lover’s heart! Thank you for every invitation and for opening your hearts to these amazing animals!

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