February 2024: Wolfville Birthday

We had the best time at Gabby’s birthday party in Wolfville! I met Gabby at her Embers Guiding group last year and it was a joy to see her & her friends again. Gabby did an amazing job being an ambassador to her friends and soon everyone was enjoying lots of snake cuddles.

Thomas, the Pueblan milk snake, was particularly fond of squirming around Gabby’s hoodie. Meanwhile, Robert & Coral were typical corn snakes and had everyone tied up in knots. On young lady showed amazing courage and she even inspired others to take the leap! Mom wasn’t sure if she’d be able to hold one but ended up with Lucy the ball python on her shoulders! Huge thanks to our dear Sarah for helping out this weekend!

Thank you so much for inviting us, it really means the world to me and I always consider it extra-special when it’s a return visit with someone who already loves my snakes as much as I do.

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