January 2024: Northeast Kings Education Centre (NKEC)

We had an AMAZING time at Northeast Kings Education Centre (NKEC)! Thanks to everyone who came out and was so kind & gentle with my pets! I saw a LOT of courage yesterday and saw so many fall in love with their favourites. ❤ Your courage is so inspiring and it brings me so much joy to see your affection for my babies.

The corn snakes were up to their usual shenanigans, of course, with Coral even getting stuck in one young lady’s ponytail. When they were done getting tickled by the corns & kings, they enjoyed the comforting embrace of the pythons and boas. I was especially proud of two of my newest ambassadors, Gus and Sarah, both corn snakes, who were so patient with everyone and took everything in stride.

Thanks so much NKEC staff & students, particularly librarian, Lori Noseworthy, for inviting us to visit! HUGE thanks to my volunteer, Emma, for coming to help! I hope I get the opportunity to reunite you all with your new slithery besties again in the future!

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