February 2022: Coldbrook Homeschool Presentation

Our first homeschool outing in Coldbrook was a success! I had a whole presentation prepared, but we ended up just hunkering down and organically talking about snakes! We’re so thankful for the opportunity, and everyone was so kind & gentle with the animals… I even won a game of snakes & ladders! ❤

I want to give special appreciation to the real star⭐ of this particular outing: ALICE! While young Alice has made guest appearances at past events, this is the first time I’ve ever allowed her to be handled by everyone… and she was AMAZING! Even as a yearling, she demonstrated such patience & grace, I couldn’t be more proud of her! Check her posing with the the snake-whispering Zen master in the photos. 😂

Thank you to Krystal & the gang for an amazing time! Even through I didn’t cover as much material as I’d hoped, I think everyone still learned a tremendous amount about these amazing animals!

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