Category: Event Photos Our hosts & parents have been incredibly generous in giving permission to post photos, and I am SO thankful! I hope these wonderful memories demonstrate the joy these amazing animals can bring as well as the rewards of overcoming anxiety! 
August 2024: Digby Scallop Days
July 2024: Plantation Campground
July 2024: Kentville Day Camp
July 2024: Dartmouth Birthday
July 2024: Boutilier’s Point Birthday
July 2024: Canada Day in New Minas
June 2024: Blomidon Birthday
June 2024: Bedford Birthday
June 2023: Blockhouse Birthday
We had an incredible jungle adventure at Daemia’s birthday in Blockhouse! The decorations were unbelievable and the birthday girl did a brilliant job at introducing her friends to her new, slithery friends! Moms were almost as eager as the kids and soon everyone was getting lots of full-body hugs from…
Our hosts & parents have been incredibly generous in giving permission to post photos, and I am SO thankful! I hope these wonderful memories demonstrate the joy these amazing animals can bring as well as the rewards of overcoming anxiety!
August 2024: Digby Scallop Days
July 2024: Plantation Campground
July 2024: Kentville Day Camp
July 2024: Dartmouth Birthday
July 2024: Boutilier’s Point Birthday
July 2024: Canada Day in New Minas
June 2024: Blomidon Birthday
June 2024: Bedford Birthday
June 2023: Blockhouse Birthday

We had an incredible jungle adventure at Daemia’s birthday in Blockhouse! The decorations were unbelievable and the birthday girl did a brilliant job at introducing her friends to her new, slithery friends! Moms were almost as eager as the kids and soon everyone was getting lots of full-body hugs from…