May 2023: Enfield Birthday

We had a fantastic time in Enfield today, celebrating Sejin’s birthday! This birthday boy was one of the sweetest lads ever. I made a joke about training my snakes to pick pockets 😂 and he ran back to his room, grabbed a twoonie, and handed it to me saying, “You can just HAVE my money.” 🥺 All our hearts melted. ❤

Sejin did a wonderful job helping his friends see how adorable snakes can be. Soon, even the nervous ones were falling in love with the gentle embrace of snakes. 🤗 Parents are often very surprised at how relaxed an experience with snakes can be, and I’m so thankful for every family who opens up their home to us.

Thank you so much for every invitation, and for trusting me to provide a safe, fun experience for your children. I can’t tell you how privileged I feel for every opportunity to share these amazing animals with you! 😊

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