Our visits to Acadia University Library have definitely among my favourite outings this year! I love being able to elevate the educational conversation and I absolutely adore the way they fall in love with my babies.
Few things bring me greater joy that seeing people share my affection for my pets.
Now, I always warn guests that my snakes don’t respect personal boundaries… but that’s not supposed to be an invitation! It was unbelievable how many snakes went exploring in shirts & jackets and even more bizarre was that everyone was so happy about it!
Many fell in love with the gentleness of the pythons and boas, but others were absolutely tickled by the wacky shenanigans of the corn & king snakes.
HUGE thanks to Kate-Lynn and Emma for helping out, I could not have managed without them. They both did an amazing job helping people connect with all the snakes’ various personalities, I was so proud of them both.