It’s always an incredible blessing to have Dinah-Mite Pythons with me… except when she makes me wear a “Birthday Boy” button!! 
That aside, it WAS an awesome way to spend birthday, with my snake-besties, doing what I love!
It was especially wonderful to have our newest volunteer, Sarah, with us! It’s such a privilege to play a small part in her journey, and I can’t wait to see where her passion for reptiles takes her.

Sandy & Robert were up to their usual tomfoolery, hiding in hoodies and invading personal space.
There were lots of smiles & laughter at the derpy antics of adorable snakes, and I think we made some future keepers! Thank you to everyone who came out, meeting you was a joy! Thanks again to Wendy @ For Pets & Their People for hosting this event! I hope we’ll have opportunities to team up again!