March 2023: Canning Birthday Party

We had a fantastic time In Canning on Saturday, celebrating Eli’s birthday! 🥳 I didn’t have to do much convincing at this outing, because almost everyone was eager for some snake cuddles! One nervous young lady, in particular, wasn’t sure she wanted to sit anywhere near the snakes, but soon wasn’t satisfied until she’d cuddled each & every one! 🤗


Event the adults were up to the challenge! Mom was particularly courageous, taking on Sandy the bold, curious Florida kingsnake. Soon, everyone had decided their favourites and had a hard time saying goodbye to them. 🐍💚


This outing was particularly special for me because my poor wife, Marsha, was feeling very under the weather so I encouraged her to stay home and get some much-needed rest. Even though it was last-minute, I took a chance and reached out to a couple of friends who have been so helpful at my past event, just to see if they might be available. AMAZINGLY both were free and eager to lend a hand!🙏 Coincidentally, they’re both named Sarah! I’ve known the elder Sarah since her childhood, and she’s always been one of my favourite people. 🥰 I met the younger Sarah when I brought my longbabies to her birthday party last year, but she has also helped out at two other events, so I asked her Mum if she might be interested in volunteering, and Sarah was ALL-IN! So a HUGE THANK YOU to my Sarahs for being so amazing!!! I felt so blessed that I thought I would burst! 🥰😊 You’ll hopefully be seeing more of them at future events!

Thank you SO MUCH for the invitation! It’s an absolute joy to make these memories with you, and I hope the children treasure them as much as I do. ❤


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