March 2023: Lockeport Elementary School

We had a FANTASTIC time at Lockeport Elementary on Friday! Though we were delayed by a snow day last week, the extra week of anticipation had everyone very eager to finally meet the snakes!

Even the most nervous kids eventually warmed to their charms, and it was absolute AMAZING to watch them push their own boundaries and courageously overcome their anxieties. ❤ While education is a vital part of my work, my ultimate goal is to help them connect with one of nature’s least popular critters to help fuel a passion for the entire natural world, but even more than that, I want them to have the freedom & safety to test their own limits, without pressure or judgement, so they can master their fears. I truly believe that is a lesson that will last a lifetime! 🥰


We’re so thankful to the staff & students of Lockeport Elementary, particularly our helpers from Lockeport Regional High School, Cam & Lola! They became practiced snake-handlers in no time at all, and were very reassuring to the children. It was wonderful to have them on the team! Thank you so much for the invitation! 💚

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